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Our Vision

The Vision of the Robert S. Morrison Foundation is primarily "to improve the lives of people in the Ashtabula area" (Robert S. Morrison, quote, Robert S. Morrison Foundation minutes: September 18, 1995). Its contributions, reflecting the values of its founder, should strive to be productive and relate to community betterment including education, transportation, animal welfare, recreation and health. Mr. Morrison believed that contributions to enduring and community-based institutions have permanence and the effect of encouraging production within their environs. The Foundation's contributions should also be an example to encourage others to help in a good cause. This reflects the philosophy of Robert Morrison, businessman, entrepreneur, industrialist and visionary.


Mr. Morrison provided for an efficient, small group of trustees who represent a variety of professions and business interests in the Ashtabula community. It was his wish and the resolve of the trustees to maintain the foundation as an independently functioning entity.


Much of the criteria used in giving to worthy causes include the values of the foundation's founder. Vision, humanism, creativity in business efforts, generosity, and caring for people in his community constitute some of the founder's basic value structure.


The focus of the Robert S. Morrison Foundation is to promote the goals of it's founder. Often, the trustees consider, "What would Mr. Morrison want?" as that consideration is thought to be a wise guide.

Our Vision

About Robert S. Morrison

Robert Morrison was an alumnus of Oberlin College and The Harvard Business School, a charter member of the Plastics Hall of Fame, the author of several books on manufacturing, economics and entrepreneurship, and the founder of a number of business enterprises, including the Molded Fiber Glass Companies. He had a long personal history of civic leadership and innovation and also a commitment to the promotion and improvement of Ashtabula. He believed that his greatest contribution was in creating jobs for thousands of families in the Ashtabula area and elsewhere.


Mr. Morrison was the primary mover for the construction of the Ashtabula County Airport. He knew that the airport would be of extreme value to the economy and economic development of Ashtabula County. Subsequent to that, his personal effort on behalf of the airport was of prime importance to him. He made significant financial contributions to its operations, both personally and through the Robert S. Morrison Foundation.


A second area of importance to Robert Morrison was the care and protection of homeless animals. To this end, he had built and then donated land, a building and shelter for the Animal Protective League. He also made substantial financial contributions to the APL.

About Robert Morrison

© 2023 Robert S. Morrison Foundation

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